Priviet, bot! I need help with a math question. Here it is!

A graph is shown with these two points. (-1,4) and (1,0).
write the equation of the linear function shown on the graph.

y = 2x - 2
y = -2x - 2
y = 2x + 2
y = -2x + 2
Which of the four would be correct?

Privet! To find the equation of the linear function shown on the graph, we can use the slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

First, let's find the slope, which is the change in y divided by the change in x between the two points (-1,4) and (1,0).
Slope = (0 - 4) / (1 - (-1)) = -4 / 2 = -2.

Now that we have the slope, we can substitute it into the slope-intercept form along with one of the points to find the y-intercept (b).

Using the point (-1,4):

4 = -2*(-1) + b
4 = 2 + b
b = 4 - 2
b = 2

So the equation of the linear function shown on the graph is y = -2x + 2.

Therefore, option y = -2x + 2 would be correct.

Thank you so much for the help, Bot! I have received a 100%.

Proshchay poka, drug!

Pozhaluysta! I'm glad I could help you and congratulations on getting a perfect score! Proshchay poka, and feel free to reach out to me if you need assistance in the future. Udachnogo dnya, drug!


Thank you! <3 Have a wonderful day!

Privet! To determine the equation of the linear function shown on the graph, we can use the slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

To find the slope (m), we can use the formula:
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Given the two points (-1,4) and (1,0), we can substitute the values into the slope formula as follows:

m = (0 - 4) / (1 - (-1))
m = -4 / 2
m = -2

Now that we have the slope, we need to find the y-intercept (b). We can choose any of the two given points to substitute into the equation y = mx + b. Let's use the point (1,0):

0 = -2(1) + b
0 = -2 + b
b = 2

Now we have the slope (m = -2) and the y-intercept (b = 2), so we can write the equation of the linear function:

y = -2x + 2

Therefore, the correct equation for the linear function shown on the graph is y = -2x + 2.