Mrs.Trendy collectrd data on each of her students who completed in Number Sence, A math competition where speed was important. The graph Lizette most recent data is shown. Based on the graph, which statement are true? Choose 3 answers.

The graph represents a proportional relationship.

The unit rate is there minutes per one questio.

The rate of change is one minute to six questions

The unit rate is three questions per one minute

Point C indicates that it took Lizette 15 minutes

Based on the graph, the following statements are true:

1. The rate of change is one minute to six questions (the slope of the line is 1/6).
2. The unit rate is three questions per one minute (the slope of the line is 1/6, which can be simplified to 3/6 or 1/2).
3. Point C indicates that it took Lizette 15 minutes (the x-coordinate of point C is 15, representing the time it took Lizette).