organizational climate is an abstract concept because it--

must be built up and formed more strongly over time
explains how a company is different and distinct
gives a general expression of the company overall
is better understood when experienced

Overall, organizational climate is an abstract concept because it is subjective and intangible. It cannot be directly measured or observed, but rather, it is formed through the collective experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of individuals within the organization. It is not something that can be easily defined or categorized, but instead, it is a complex combination of various factors such as leadership styles, communication patterns, organizational values, and employee morale.

Furthermore, organizational climate is not a static concept but rather dynamic, as it can change and evolve over time. It is influenced by internal and external factors, including individual interactions, organizational policies, market conditions, and societal trends. Therefore, it must be continuously nurtured, shaped, and developed within an organization.

Additionally, organizational climate is better understood when experienced rather than simply being described or defined. It is not something that can be fully captured by written documents or formal explanations. Instead, it is something that employees and stakeholders perceive and interpret based on their interactions and experiences within the organizational environment.

In summary, organizational climate is an abstract concept because it is subjective, intangible, dynamic, and better understood through experience. It provides a general expression of an organization's overall atmosphere and culture, but it cannot be fully encapsulated in simple definitions or descriptions.