What is 885.5 x 10^8 + 2.80 x 10^9 miles in scientific notation. Show your work

To add these two numbers in scientific notation, we need to make sure that the exponents are the same.

First, let's convert both numbers to scientific notation:

885.5 x 10^8 = 8.855 x 10^10
2.80 x 10^9 = 28 x 10^9

Now, let's add them together:

8.855 x 10^10 + 28 x 10^9 = (8.855 + 28) x 10^9 = 36.855 x 10^9

Since 36.855 is larger than 10, we need to divide it by 10 and increase the exponent by 1:

36.855 x 10^9 = 3.6855 x 10^10

Therefore, 885.5 x 10^8 + 2.80 x 10^9 miles in scientific notation is 3.6855 x 10^10 miles.