What would an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment conclude?(1 point) Responses It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. It would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations. It would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations. It would conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded. It would conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded. It would conclude that the Enlightenment increased the authority of the Catholic Church.

It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. It would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations. It would conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded.

only one option is correct

Apologies for the mistake. The correct answer would be:

It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments.

To investigate the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment, one could start by examining historical sources and scholarly research on the subject. This might include analyzing primary sources such as Enlightenment-era texts, letters, and speeches, as well as secondary sources written by historians and experts in the field.

By studying these sources, one would likely conclude that the Enlightenment had a significant impact on various aspects of culture. Here are a few possible conclusions:

1. The Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments: The emphasis on reason, individual rights, and the social contract influenced political thinkers and activists, leading to the development of new political systems such as constitutionalism and republicanism.

2. Traditional ideas were challenged in favor of empirical observations: The Enlightenment brought about a shift in thinking, emphasizing the importance of reason, evidence, and scientific inquiry. This led to a questioning of traditional beliefs and a greater reliance on observation and experimentation.

3. The power of monarchs was challenged: Enlightenment thinkers advocated for limited government and criticized absolute monarchy. This contributed to the erosion of royal authority and the rise of ideas such as popular sovereignty and the separation of powers.

4. The authority of the Catholic Church was questioned: The Enlightenment fostered a spirit of skepticism and criticism, leading to challenges to the authority of institutions like the Catholic Church. Enlightenment thinkers advocated for religious tolerance and the separation of church and state.

It is important to note that the Enlightenment's impact was complex and multifaceted, and different scholars may emphasize different aspects of its cultural impact based on their perspective and the specific evidence they have examined. Therefore, further research and analysis would be necessary to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.