Make it look like a 6th grader wrote this. still use proper words just not too much yk. Thesis Statement: Your thesis will make a statement about what you are examining and how it REVEALS MEANING in the literary work.

(The theme is the overall message of the story that the author wants the reader to know.)

Example: AUTHOR LAST NAME uses characterization and conflict to present the theme of…..


The author of Nethergrave shows the theme by using how the characters act and the problems they face.

parapgarse this

The book called Nethergrave has a theme, which is the main message the writer wants us to know. The author, whose last name is unknown, reveals this theme by introducing characters and making them have conflicts. These conflicts help us understand the overall meaning of the story.

1-2 sentences like a 6th grader wrote it

In the story Nethergrave, the author shows the theme by making the characters act and face problems. These things help us understand what the story is really about.

Yo, so like, in the story Nethergrave written by some author whose last name I don't know, the writer uses how the characters act and the problems they face to show us the main idea, or theme, of the story. It's like the message that the author wants us to understand.