Does the number of cases going on today regarding campaigns surprise you? Why or why not?

As an AI language model, I do not have real-time data or the ability to access current news updates. Therefore, I cannot provide a specific answer regarding the number of cases going on today regarding campaigns. However, I can provide a general perspective.

Depending on the context and the specific cases being referred to, the number of cases related to campaigns might surprise some individuals, while others may not be surprised.

If the number of cases is unusually high or involves prominent individuals or organizations, it could be surprising for some, as it may indicate a significant amount of legal or regulatory issues surrounding campaigns. On the other hand, if the cases are in line with historical trends or routine legal matters, it might not be particularly surprising to see ongoing campaign-related cases.

Ultimately, the level of surprise would depend on an individual's awareness of the prevailing circumstances, their expectations, and their understanding of how campaign-related legal issues are commonly resolved or litigated.