How did monarchs exert their power in feudal times? (1 point)

1. They forced lords to serve in their military.

2. They took a portion of their tenants' crops.

3. They decided which nobles would be granted land.

4. They controlled the lives of serfs.

All of the above:

1. Monarchs often forced lords to serve in their military to maintain their control and defend their territories.

2. Monarchs collected taxes and took a portion of their tenants' crops as a way to exert economic control and ensure a steady revenue stream for their kingdom.

3. Monarchs had the authority to decide which nobles would be granted land, as a means of rewarding loyalty and securing the support of the nobility.

4. Monarchs had significant control over the lives of serfs, who were peasants tied to the land and obligated to provide labor and other services to their lords. Monarchs had the power to establish laws and regulations that governed the treatment and rights of serfs.