Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.(1 point) Responses Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land. Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land. Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor. Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor. Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands. Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands. Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided. The feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants by offering them protection and granting them land to work on. In exchange for this protection and land, peasants were required to provide tithes, which were a portion of their crops or income, to the lords. This system ensured that the peasants remained dependent on the lords for their livelihoods and allowed the monarchs to exert control over them. Additionally, the lords would often make agreements that allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor, further ensuring their reliance on the lords. By providing these essential resources and privileges, feudal monarchs were able to assert their authority and maintain control over the peasant population.

Feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants through a combination of factors. One key factor was the system of tithes, where peasants would give a portion of their crops or income to the lord in exchange for the right to work on the lord's land. This created a mutually beneficial agreement, as the peasants would receive protection and land to cultivate, while the lord would receive a portion of the peasants' produce.

Additionally, the agreement between the lord and the peasants often included certain privileges. For example, peasants were sometimes granted the right to fish and hunt on the manor, which provided them with additional sources of food and resources. This helped to maintain the loyalty of the peasants and solidify the authority of the lord.

Furthermore, the agreement between the lord and the peasants sometimes allowed them to avoid working on lands owned by the Catholic Church. This not only gave the peasants more freedom in choosing their work, but also weakened the influence of the Church over them. By aligning themselves with the lord, peasants were able to exert some degree of independence from the Church's control.

Ultimately, the power and control exerted by feudal monarchs over peasants was facilitated by the peasants' need for protection and land. In a time of insecurity and danger, the lords provided a sense of security and a place to live and work. Peasants relied on the lords for their livelihood and, in turn, the lords used this dependence to maintain their authority and control.

Feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants through a combination of factors. One factor was the system of tithes, where peasants received a portion of the produce they cultivated in exchange for working on the lords' land. This arrangement allowed peasants to meet their basic needs while also serving the interests of the lords.

Additionally, the agreement between peasants and lords often included certain privileges for the peasants. For example, the agreement sometimes allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the lord's estate, providing them with additional sources of food and sustenance.

Another factor was the availability of alternative options for peasants. By working on the lord's land, peasants were able to avoid working on lands owned by the Catholic Church, which often had stricter regulations and requirements. This gave peasants the ability to choose where they wanted to work and minimize the influence of the Church over their lives.

Lastly, peasants relied on the protection and land provided by the lords. In a time of political instability and constant threats, peasants sought the safety and security offered by the powerful lords. In return for this protection, peasants pledged their loyalty and agreed to work on the lords' land.

Overall, feudal monarchs were able to establish and maintain control over peasants by providing them with essential resources such as land, protection, and alternative options for work, while also benefiting from the labor and loyalty of these peasants.