Compare and contrast the location of the following regions. Which statement best identifies a region where tsunamis are possible?(1 point)



interior Asia

interior South America

The location of the different regions can be compared and contrasted as follows:

Japan: Located in eastern Asia, Japan is an archipelago lying in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an area prone to seismic activity and volcanic eruptions. Japan is especially susceptible to tsunamis due to its location along the Pacific Ocean and the presence of tectonic plate boundaries.

Himalayas: The Himalayas stretch across the countries of India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Pakistan in South Asia. This region is known for having the highest mountain peaks in the world, including Mount Everest. While the Himalayas are prone to earthquakes that can trigger avalanches, the likelihood of tsunamis is very low since it is a landlocked region far from any large bodies of water.

Interior Asia: This region refers to the landlocked countries in Central Asia, such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Being far away from coastal areas, tsunamis are not a concern in this region.

Interior South America: This refers to the landlocked countries in the continent of South America, such as Bolivia and Paraguay, as well as the Amazon rainforest region. Since these areas are far from the coast, the likelihood of tsunamis is negligible.

From the given options, Japan is the region where tsunamis are possible.