Distinguish between the following forces and choose the force that would be most likely to connect two different regions where there are people changing residence locations.(1 point)




nutrient pollution
nutrient pollution


The force that would be most likely to connect two different regions where there are people changing residence locations is migration. Migration refers to the movement of people from one place to another, often in search of better economic opportunities, education, or safety. It can lead to the mixing of cultures and the spread of ideas and knowledge between different regions.

On the other hand, globalization refers to the integration and interdependence of economies and cultures across nations. While globalization can also lead to the exchange of people between different regions, it is a broader concept that encompasses various aspects such as trade, communication, technology, and cultural exchange.

Nutrient pollution and runoff are environmental forces. Nutrient pollution refers to the excess nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, that enter water bodies and cause harmful effects on ecosystems. Runoff refers to the water that flows over the land surface and can carry pollutants and sediments into water bodies. These forces are not directly related to connecting different regions where people are changing residence locations.