Count the number of TOTAL number of atoms in each compound listed below.


a.16 total atoms
b.12 total atoms
c.4 total atoms
d.7 total atoms
e.3 total atoms
f.15 total atoms

To count the total number of atoms in a compound, you need to look at the subscripts in the chemical formula and multiply them by the number of each atom present.

In BaC4H4O6:
- There is 1 barium atom, Ba.
- There are 4 carbon atoms, C.
- There are 4 hydrogen atoms, H.
- There are 6 oxygen atoms, O.

Thus, the total number of atoms in BaC4H4O6 is 1 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 15 total atoms.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

f. 15 total atoms