not including tax , a total of 19 pens and markers cost 11.50 the pens cost $0.25 each and the markers cost $0.75 , which system of equations could be used to solve for the number of pens (p) and the markers (m) bought

Let's use a system of equations to solve for the number of pens (p) and markers (m) bought.

Let p represent the number of pens bought and m represent the number of markers bought.

From the given information, we know the following:

The cost of 1 pen is $0.25.
The cost of 1 marker is $0.75.
The total cost of 19 pens and markers is $11.50.

According to the information above, we can set up the following equations:

Equation 1: p + m = 19
This equation represents the total number of pens and markers bought.

Equation 2: 0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50
This equation represents the total cost of the pens and markers.

By using these two equations, we can find the values of p and m that satisfy both equations and solve the problem.