Not including tax, a total of 19 pens and markers cost $11.50. The pens cost $0.25 each, and the markers cost $0.75 each. Write the system of equations that could be used to solve for the number of pens, p, and the number of markers, m, bought.(4 points)

The total cost of the pens can be found by multiplying the number of pens, p, by the cost per pen, $0.25. So the total cost of the pens is 0.25p.

The total cost of the markers can be found by multiplying the number of markers, m, by the cost per marker, $0.75. So the total cost of the markers is 0.75m.
The total cost of all the pens and markers is given as $11.50. So the equation for the total cost is 0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50.
The total number of pens and markers is given as 19. So the equation for the total number is p + m = 19.