Difference between mission statement vision statement and objectives

A mission statement is a concise statement that describes the purpose and overall goal of an organization or company. It answers the question, "Why does the organization exist?" A mission statement typically highlights the core values and principles that guide the organization's actions and decision-making.

A vision statement, on the other hand, describes the desired future state or goal that an organization aims to achieve. It outlines the long-term aspirations and the ultimate destination the organization is striving for. A vision statement provides a clear picture of what success will look like and serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for the organization's stakeholders.

Objectives, also known as goals or targets, are specific and measurable milestones or outcomes that an organization sets to achieve within a defined period of time. Objectives are more detailed and action-oriented compared to mission and vision statements. They help organizations to articulate their strategic priorities and focus their efforts towards specific results.

In summary, a mission statement explains the organization's purpose, a vision statement depicts the desired future state, and objectives are the specific goals and targets set to achieve along the way.