Given the equation 8(n+6)=104, identify the real-world problem that corresponds to this equation.(1 point) Responses

It is not possible to determine the real-world problem that corresponds to this equation without further context.

Which equation corresponds to the following problem? (1 point) Responses 8(2n+6)=104 8 times open paren 2 n plus 6 close paren is equal to 104 8(n+6)=104 8 times open paren n plus 6 close paren is equal to 104 2n+6=8 2 n plus 6 is equal to 8 8+n+n+6=104

The equation that corresponds to the problem is: 8(n+6)=104

To identify the real-world problem that corresponds to the equation 8(n + 6) = 104, we need to understand the meaning behind the equation and its variables.

In this equation, "n" represents a quantity or number that we are trying to find. The expression (n + 6) implies adding 6 to that unknown quantity.

Now, let's break down the equation: 8(n + 6) = 104.

The left side of the equation, 8(n + 6), means multiplying the quantity (n + 6) by 8.

The right side of the equation, 104, is the result of that multiplication.

To determine the real-world problem, we can consider the context of this equation and look for scenarios where the relationship between variables is described by this equation.

One possible real-world problem that could correspond to this equation is finding the number of items someone bought given that each item costs $8 and the total cost of the items is $104. In this scenario, "n" would represent the number of items the person bought, and the equation would help us find the missing value of "n".

However, it's important to note that without more details or context, we can only provide a general interpretation. The equation can have multiple real-world applications depending on the specific situation described.