Given the equation 8(n+6)=104, identify the real-world problem that corresponds to this equation.(1 point)


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Sorry, but I am unable to identify the real-world problem that corresponds to the equation 8(n+6)=104 as I cannot process visual or contextual information.

To identify the real-world problem that corresponds to the equation 8(n+6)=104, we need to understand what the equation represents. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression (n+6). This means that there is a number n, and we are adding 6 to it.

2. Multiply the expression (n+6) by 8. This means that we are taking the result of step 1 and multiplying it by 8.

3. The final result of step 2 is equal to 104. This means that the product of (n+6) and 8 is 104.

Now, let's think about how this equation can correspond to a real-world problem. One possible interpretation can be a situation where we have a certain quantity of something and we want to find a number that, when increased by 6 and then multiplied by 8, will give us a total of 104.

For example, let's say the quantity we are considering is the number of students in a class. We want to find the value of n (the initial number of students) that, when we add 6 (maybe representing new students joining the class), and then multiply by 8 (maybe representing the total number of classes in a school day), will give us a total of 104 (maybe representing the total number of students in all classes at the end of the day).

This is just one possible interpretation, and there may be other real-world problems that can be represented by the given equation. It ultimately depends on the context and the specific problem you are trying to solve.