Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.(1 point)

Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.
Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.

Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.
Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.

Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.
Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land.

Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords' land.

Identify which of the following is a key geographic feature of medieval England.(1 point)


land below sea level
land below sea level

coastal territories
coastal territories

exclusively inland territories without access to water

coastal territories

Investigate the impact of the Western Roman Empire on feudal societies in Europe.(1 point)


The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to an increasing dependence on feudal societies as regional powers vied for control of land.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to an increasing dependence on feudal societies as regional powers vied for control of land.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to very few wars, which allowed more feudal societies to be established.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to very few wars, which allowed more feudal societies to be established.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to a decrease in dependence on feudal societies as regional powers vied for control of land.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to a decrease in dependence on feudal societies as regional powers vied for control of land.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to an increase in war that destroyed many feudal societies.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to an increasing dependence on feudal societies as regional powers vied for control of land.

Which of the following statements accurately compares feudalism and manorialism?(1 point)


Both exchanged military service if conflict broke out for privileges and land.
Both exchanged military service if conflict broke out for privileges and land.

Both subjected serfs to hard labor under the control of a landlord on an estate.
Both subjected serfs to hard labor under the control of a landlord on an estate.

Both have been compared to slavery because of the way they restricted serfs’ lives.
Both have been compared to slavery because of the way they restricted serfs’ lives.

Both controlled relationships between those who owned land and those who did not.

Both controlled relationships between those who owned land and those who did not.

How did monarchs exert their power in feudal times?(1 point)


They decided which nobles would be granted land.
They decided which nobles would be granted land.

They forced lords to serve in their military.
They forced lords to serve in their military.

They controlled the lives of serfs.
They controlled the lives of serfs.

They took a portion of their tenants’ crops.

They decided which nobles would be granted land.

Feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants in a variety of ways:

1. Protection and Land: Peasants, as part of the feudal system, relied on the protection and land provided by the lords or monarchs. In exchange for their service and labor, peasants were granted a piece of land to cultivate and live on. This created a dependency on the lord who had the authority to distribute and take away land, making the peasants reliant on their protection and favor.

2. Agreement for Fishing and Hunting: In some cases, feudal agreements allowed peasants the right to fish and hunt on the lord's manor. This privilege was granted by the monarch and provided additional sustenance and resources to the peasants. However, it's important to note that this was a concession granted by the monarch and not an inherent right of the peasants.

3. Avoidance of Church Labor: Another way that feudal monarchs exerted control over peasants was by granting them the right to avoid working on Catholic Church lands. In feudal society, the Church owned significant amounts of land, and the labor of peasants was often obligated for the maintenance and cultivation of these lands. By granting peasants the right to avoid this labor, monarchs provided an incentive and advantage to the peasants, further solidifying their control and influence.

4. Tithes and Labor: Feudal monarchs also maintained control over peasants through the system of tithes. Peasants were required to give a portion of their produce or income to the lord as a form of tax or rent. This system ensured that the monarchs had a steady source of wealth and resources, while also reinforcing their authority over the peasants, who were obligated to provide labor in return for the land they were granted.

In summary, feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants by providing protection, granting land, allowing privileges like fishing and hunting, offering avoidance of Church labor, and imposing tithes and labor obligations. These practices created a system of dependency and hierarchy, ensuring the monarchs' authority over the peasants.