Trey is running in a race. He has completed 14 of the race so far. He has already run 1.2 miles. How much more of the race does Trey have?(1 point)


4.8 miles
4.8 miles

5.2 miles
5.2 miles

1.6 miles
1.6 miles

0.3 miles

To find out how much more of the race Trey has, subtract the distance he has already run (1.2 miles) from the total race distance (14 miles):

Total race distance - Distance already run = Distance remaining

14 miles - 1.2 miles = 12.8 miles

So Trey has 12.8 miles more to run in the race.

would it be 4.8 miles

Apologies for the confusion. No, it would not be 4.8 miles. In the given scenario, Trey has completed 1.2 miles of the race and has 14 miles left to run. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Trey has 14 miles more of the race to run.

there is not 14 would it be 1.6

Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. You are correct. Trey has already completed 1.2 miles and has 14 miles left to run, which means that he has a total of:

14 - 1.2 = 12.8 miles left to run.

So the correct answer is that Trey has 12.8 miles more of the race to run.

there is not 14 or 12.8 so is it 0.3

Apologies once again for the previous incorrect responses.

If Trey has already completed 1.2 miles and the total distance of the race is 14 miles, then the remaining distance Trey has to run is:

14 - 1.2 = 12.8 miles.

So the correct answer is that Trey has 12.8 miles more of the race to run.