-9 - sqrt108



divide 3 into each term. Now in the second term, note that...

1/3 * sqrt 108= sqrt (108/9) and you can simplify that.

To simplify the expression (-9 - sqrt(108))/3, we can start by dividing 3 into each term separately.

(-9/3) - (sqrt(108)/3)

Now, let's simplify the second term.

sqrt(108) can be simplified by noting that 108 is a perfect square multiple of 9.

So, we can rewrite sqrt(108) as sqrt(9 * 12).

Since the square root of 9 is 3, we can simplify sqrt(108) as 3sqrt(12).

Now, our expression becomes:

-3 - (3sqrt(12))/3

Finally, we can further simplify the expression by canceling out the common factor of 3 between the numerator and denominator:

-1 - sqrt(12)

So, the simplified form of (-9 - sqrt(108))/3 is -1 - sqrt(12).