Object A has a charge of –1 Coulomb. At a given distance, the object with which charge would be most strongly attracted by object A?(1 point)


+1 C
+1 C

–2 C
–2 C

+2 C
+2 C

–1 C

The object with a charge of +1 Coulomb would be most strongly attracted by object A which has a charge of -1 Coulomb.

k Q2 Q2 / r^2

so +2
1*2 > 1*1

Yes, you are correct. According to the formula for electrical force, F = k * (Q1 * Q2) / r^2, where k is the electrostatic constant, Q1 and Q2 are the charges, and r is the distance between the charges.

If we compare the attractive force between object A with a charge of -1 Coulomb and an object with a charge of +2 Coulombs (Q2), to the attractive force between object A and an object with a charge of +1 Coulomb (Q2), the force between A and the +2 Coulomb object would be stronger.

Since 1*2 (Q1 * Q2) is greater than 1*1, the object with a charge of +2 Coulombs would be more strongly attracted to object A.

To determine which object would be most strongly attracted by object A, we need to consider the concept of electrical force and its relation to charges. The electrical force between two charged objects is given by Coulomb's Law, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Let's analyze the question options:

- Object A has a charge of -1 C, and the options include charges of +1 C, -2 C, and +2 C.
- The force between two charges depends on the product of their magnitudes, so the greater the magnitude of the charges, the stronger the force.
- Since the magnitude of the charge for object A is fixed at -1 C, we need to find the charge with the greatest absolute value in the options.

Among the options, the charge with the greatest absolute value is -2 C. Therefore, the object with a charge of -2 C would be most strongly attracted by object A.

So, the correct response would be:
-2 C