Object A has a charge of –1 Coulomb. At a given distance, the object with which charge would be most strongly attracted by object A?


Well, if object A has a charge of -1 Coulomb, I would say that it would be most strongly attracted to an object with a +1 Coulomb charge. You know what they say, opposites attract! It's like a cosmic love story, but with charges.

The strength of the attraction between two charged objects depends on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them.

When two charges have opposite signs, they attract each other. In this case, object A has a negative charge of -1 Coulomb. To determine the object that would be most strongly attracted by object A, we need to consider which object has a positive charge.

Objects with a positive charge would be most strongly attracted by object A, since opposite charges attract each other.

To determine which object would be most strongly attracted to object A, we need to consider the concept of electric charge interactions.

The strength of the attraction or repulsion between two charged objects depends on the magnitude and sign of their charges, as well as the distance between them. The force between charged objects is given by Coulomb's Law, which states that the force (F) between two charges (q1 and q2) is proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them (r).

In this case, object A has a negative charge of -1 Coulomb. The strength of attraction between object A and another object depends on the charge of the other object.

Opposite charges attract, so an object with a positive charge would be most strongly attracted to object A.

Remember, however, the distance is also a factor in determining the strength of attraction. As the distance between the charged objects increases, the force of attraction decreases. So, the object with the positive charge closest to object A would experience the strongest attraction.

To summarize, the object with the positive charge and located at the smallest distance from object A would be most strongly attracted to it.