Omar rented a truck for one day there was a base pay of 1699 and there was an additional charge of $.95 for each mile driven Omar add to pays $174.69 when he returned the truck how many miles did he drive the truck

Let's assume Omar drove x miles.

The additional charge for each mile driven is $0.95.
So, the additional charge for x miles is 0.95x.
The total cost of renting the truck, including the base pay and additional charge, is 1699 + 0.95x.
Omar paid an additional $174.69.
So, 1699 + 0.95x = 1699 + 174.69.
Combining like terms, we get 0.95x = 174.69.
Dividing both sides by 0.95, we get x = 174.69 / 0.95 = 183.996.
Since Omar cannot drive a fraction of a mile, he must have driven a whole number of miles.
Therefore, Omar drove 184 miles. Answer: \boxed{184}.