The enlightenment saw the study of what three topics

The Enlightenment saw the study of three main topics: philosophy, science, and politics.

1. Philosophy: The Enlightenment philosophers focused on reason and rationality, challenging traditional beliefs and advocating for a more critical and analytical approach to understanding the world. They explored concepts such as human rights, individualism, and the social contract, seeking to improve society through the application of reason.

2. Science: The Enlightenment was also a period of tremendous scientific advancement. Scientists such as Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, and Rene Descartes developed new theories and methods for understanding the natural world. The scientific method, empirical observation, and experimentation became central to the Enlightenment's approach to knowledge and understanding.

3. Politics: The Enlightenment thinkers also explored political theories and systems, advocating for more democratic and liberal ideas. They questioned the divine right of kings and the absolute authority of monarchs, promoting concepts such as separation of powers, constitutionalism, and the idea of natural rights. Enlightenment ideas played a significant role in shaping the intellectual foundations of the American and French Revolutions.