Describe the Subfields and practice areas of industrial organisational pyschology with specific reference: organisational pyschology

Personnel psychology
Career/vocational psychology
Employment relation
Consumers pyschology
Research methodology
Psychological assessment/psychometric
Employee and organisational well-being
Human resource management

Organizational Psychology: The subfield of organizational psychology focuses on studying the behavior and attitudes of individuals and groups within the organizational context. This includes understanding factors that contribute to employee satisfaction, motivation, performance, and engagement, as well as organizational culture, leadership, and decision-making processes.

Personnel Psychology: Personnel psychology involves the application of psychological principles in the selection, recruitment, training, and evaluation of individuals within organizations. This subfield focuses on understanding how to effectively match individuals to jobs, identify talent, develop training programs, and implement performance appraisal systems.

Career/Vocational Psychology: Career/vocational psychology is concerned with studying and helping individuals make career-related decisions, manage career transitions, and achieve work-life balance. This includes assessing individual interests, values, skills, and personality characteristics to assist in career planning and development.

Employment Relations: Employment relations examines the relationship between employers and employees and seeks to understand issues relating to workplace policies, practices, and strategies. This subfield explores areas such as labor relations, negotiation, conflict resolution, and organizational justice.

Ergonomics: Ergonomics, also known as human factors psychology, focuses on designing workplaces and systems that are physically and psychologically optimized for the comfort, safety, and efficiency of workers. It involves understanding the interaction between workers and their environment to enhance productivity, prevent injuries, and improve overall well-being.

Consumer Psychology: Consumer psychology examines the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior, decision-making, and satisfaction. This subfield helps organizations understand consumers' attitudes, perceptions, and motivations to better market and sell products and services.

Research Methodology: Research methodology in industrial organizational psychology focuses on the principles and techniques used to conduct research in the field. This includes designing studies, collecting and analyzing data, and applying statistical methods to draw meaningful conclusions.

Psychological Assessment/Psychometrics: Psychological assessment involves measuring and evaluating individual characteristics and abilities, such as personality, intelligence, and job-related skills. Psychometrics refers to the development and use of psychometric tools and techniques for assessment, including standardized tests and inventories.

Employee and Organizational Well-being: This subfield focuses on promoting the psychological and physical well-being of individuals within organizations. It includes interventions and programs that address work-related stress, mental health, work-life balance, and overall job satisfaction.

Human Resource Management: Human resource management involves the strategic management of people within organizations. It includes activities such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance management, compensation, and employee relations.