Which of the following was a characteristic of the Roman Republic?(1 point)


Two consuls elected by the senate
Two consuls elected by the senate

Direct democracy with all citizens participating in decision-making
Direct democracy with all citizens participating in decision-making

Rule by a single, hereditary king
Rule by a single, hereditary king

A central authority that controlled all aspects of daily life
A central authority that controlled all aspects of daily life
Question 2
What religious beliefs did Christianity challenge in the Roman Republic? (1 point)

Buddhism and Hinduism
Buddhism and Hinduism

Islam and Confucianism
Islam and Confucianism

Polytheism and worship of the Roman gods
Polytheism and worship of the Roman gods

Judaism and Zoroastrianism
Judaism and Zoroastrianism
Question 3
What was the main reason for the decline of the Roman Republic?(1 point)

Invasion by barbarian tribes
Invasion by barbarian tribes

Corruption and political unrest
Corruption and political unrest

Lack of military power
Lack of military power

Economic instability
Economic instability
Question 4
Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire? (1 point)

Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar

Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar


Question 5
Which event marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire?(1 point)

The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars

The assassination of Julius Caesar
The assassination of Julius Caesar

The Battle of Actium
The Battle of Actium

The reign of Augustus
The reign of Augustus
Question 6
What role did Constantine play in the spread of Christianity throughout the empire?(1 point)

After Constantine declared Christianity legal, Bishop Donatus advised forgiveness of previous church leadership, which inspired the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the empire.
After Constantine declared Christianity legal, Bishop Donatus advised forgiveness of previous church leadership, which inspired the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the empire.

When Constantine declared Christianity legal, other leaders refused to convert, which influenced pagan followers and limited the spread of Christianity.
When Constantine declared Christianity legal, other leaders refused to convert, which influenced pagan followers and limited the spread of Christianity.

After Constantine lost the Battle of Milvian Bridge, the emperors and their people renewed their faith in pagan gods, limiting the spread of Christianity.
After Constantine lost the Battle of Milvian Bridge, the emperors and their people renewed their faith in pagan gods, limiting the spread of Christianity.

Constantine declared Christianity legal, and it quickly spread throughout the land as Christians were free to worship and were given important leadership positions.
Constantine declared Christianity legal, and it quickly spread throughout the land as Christians were free to worship and were given important leadership positions.
Question 7
Which event led to Emperor Nero persecuting the Christians?(1 point)

The Council of Nicaea
The Council of Nicaea

The crucifixion of Jesus
The crucifixion of Jesus

The Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan

The Great Fire of Rome
The Great Fire of Rome
Question 8
How did Christianity split after the fall of the Roman Empire?(1 point)

Christianity was divided between Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox branches.
Christianity was divided between Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox branches.

Christianity was divided between Western Orthodox and Eastern Catholic branches.
Christianity was divided between Western Orthodox and Eastern Catholic branches.

Christianity did not split after the fall of the Roman Empire.
Christianity did not split after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Christianity was divided among Western Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Byzantine Catholic branches.

Christianity was divided among Western Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Byzantine Catholic branches.