Difference between mission and vision statement

A mission statement and a vision statement are both used by organizations to communicate their purpose and future aspirations, but there are some key differences between the two:

1. Definition: A mission statement describes what an organization currently does, its primary reason for existence, and its core values and beliefs. It answers the question, "What do we do?"
A vision statement, on the other hand, describes what an organization aims to achieve in the future. It outlines the organization's desired future state and long-term goals. It answers the question, "Where do we want to be?"

2. Focus: A mission statement is more focused on the present and reflects the organization's current activities and operations. It explains the primary business of the organization and the target market it serves.
A vision statement, however, is more future-oriented and provides a broader perspective on the organization's purpose and direction. It guides the long-term strategic decisions and inspires employees and stakeholders towards a common goal.

3. Timeframe: A mission statement is typically more stable and enduring, representing the long-term philosophy of the organization. It may be reviewed and revised periodically but generally remains consistent over time.
A vision statement, on the other hand, is more dynamic and subject to continuous refinement. It should be aspirational yet achievable and can be adjusted as the organization evolves and its strategic goals change.

4. Purpose: The purpose of a mission statement is to provide guidance and direction to employees, customers, stakeholders, and the general public about what the organization does and what it stands for. It helps establish the organization's identity and distinguishes it from others in the industry.
A vision statement, on the other hand, serves as a source of inspiration and motivation. It sets a clear and compelling future direction for the organization and helps align and rally employees, stakeholders, and partners around a common purpose.

In summary, a mission statement focuses on the present, describing what an organization currently does, while a vision statement focuses on the future, outlining the desired future state and goals of the organization. Both statements are important for organizational success and help guide decision-making and strategic planning.