the distance d a train travels varies directly with the amount of time t that has elapsed since departure. if the tain travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours, how many miles did the train travel after 4 hours?

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion:

d = kt

where d is the distance traveled, t is the time elapsed, and k is the constant of variation.

We can solve for k by plugging in the given values:

475 = k * 9.5

Dividing both sides of the equation by 9.5:

k = 475/9.5
k = 50

Now that we have the value of k, we can find the distance traveled after 4 hours:

d = k * t
d = 50 * 4
d = 200 miles

Therefore, the train traveled 200 miles after 4 hours.