The distance DA train travels varies directly within the amount of time T that has elapsed since departure if the train travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours. How many miles did the train travel after 4 hours?

Let's denote the distance traveled by the train as D and the time elapsed as T.

According to the given information, the distance D varies directly with the time T. This can be written as:

D = kT

where k is the constant of variation.

We are also given that the train travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours. Substituting this into the equation above, we get:

475 = k * 9.5

Now we can solve for k:

k = 475 / 9.5 = 50

So the equation becomes:

D = 50T

To find out how many miles the train traveled after 4 hours, we can substitute T = 4 into the equation above:

D = 50 * 4 = <<50*4=200>>200 miles

Therefore, the train traveled 200 miles after 4 hours.