How do you scale a picture if the new picture is smaller than the original?

If you want to scale a picture and make it smaller than the original, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the picture using an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or Microsoft Paint.

2. Find the resizing or scaling tool in the software. In most software, this can be found under the "Image" or "Edit" menu.

3. Enter the desired dimensions or scale percentage for the new picture. Ensure that the values you provide are smaller than the original dimensions or scale percentage.

4. Choose the appropriate resizing method or algorithm. Bicubic or Lanczos method generally produce better results for downsizing images.

5. Apply the scaling or resizing operation. The software will process the picture and generate a smaller version while maintaining its aspect ratio.

6. Save the resized image in the desired format and location.

Note: It is important to keep in mind that when you scale a picture to be smaller, the resulting image may lose some details or quality, especially if there is a significant reduction in size. Therefore, it's crucial to choose an appropriate resizing method and consider the level of detail that needs to be retained.