Identify the word in ALL CAPS in each of the following questions.

2.) The angry goddess Eris SENT a golden apple inscribed “For the most beautiful.”
( 1 point )

A.) subject

B.) predicate

C.) compound subject


what's the answer?


That is not an answer choice

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is:

B.) predicate

To identify the word in ALL CAPS in the given question, we need to understand the sentence structure and the function of each word. In this sentence, the word in ALL CAPS is "SENT."

To determine its function, we can break down the sentence:

Subject (S): The angry goddess Eris
Predicate (P): SENT a golden apple inscribed "For the most beautiful."

Based on this breakdown, we can conclude that the word "SENT" is the verb in the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) predicate.