Sid has a baseball cap collection. 65% of his caps have sports team symbols. If 26 of the caps have the team symbols, how many total caps does Sid have?


Let C be the number of caps Sid has.

65/100 * C = 26
C = 26 * 100 / 65 = <<26*100/65=40>>40.
So Sid has 40 caps. Answer: \boxed{40}.

To find the total number of caps Sid has, we can use the percentage of caps with team symbols and the number of caps given.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of caps using the given information.
Let's assume the total number of caps Sid has is represented by "x".

Step 2: Calculate the number of caps with team symbols using the given percentage.
Since 65% of Sid's caps have sports team symbols, we can express it as: 65% = 65/100 = 0.65
Therefore, the number of caps with team symbols can be calculated as: 0.65x.

Step 3: Use the number of caps with team symbols given in the question to form an equation.
According to the question, 26 caps have team symbols, so we can equate it to 0.65x and solve for x:
0.65x = 26

Step 4: Solve the equation for x.
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.65 to isolate x:
x = 26 / 0.65
x = 40

Therefore, the total number of caps Sid has is 40.