A violinist charges $75 for a visit and an additional $25 for each hour she performs.

Part 1) What is the function rule if C represents the total cost of the visit and h represents the number of hours?

If the violist will only visit a maximum of 6 hours, what is a reasonable graph of the function rule?(1 point)

The function rule for the total cost C is: C(h) = 75 + 25h.

A reasonable graph of the function rule would have the cost on the y-axis and the number of hours on the x-axis. The graph would start at the point (0, 75), indicating a cost of $75 for the visit with no performance hours. The graph would then increase linearly with a slope of 25, indicating an additional cost of $25 per hour performed. The maximum number of hours would be 6, so the graph could end at the point (6, 225), indicating a total cost of $225 for a 6-hour performance. The graph would be a straight line with a positive slope.