Which statement about plasma membranes is correct?


Plant cells have cell walls instead of plasma membranes.
Plant cells have cell walls instead of plasma membranes.

Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.
Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.

Plant cells have rigid plasma membranes.
Plant cells have rigid plasma membranes.

Animal cells have cell membranes instead of plasma membranes.

Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.

Which specialized cell is responsible for feeling heat?


hair cell
hair cell


fat cell
fat cell

red blood cell


Which statement about multicellular organisms is correct?


The cells of a multicellular organism must perform all life functions.
The cells of a multicellular organism must perform all life functions.

A multicellular organism has many specialized cells.
A multicellular organism has many specialized cells.

Every cell of a multicellular organism is responsible for movement.
Every cell of a multicellular organism is responsible for movement.

Cells in multicellular organisms can reproduce by binary fission.

A multicellular organism has many specialized cells.

During which stage of the cell cycle does cell division occur?




cell growth
cell growth



If a particular cell is known to be round and incapable of producing its own food, which one of these organelles would you assume the cell must have?


central vacuole
central vacuole

plasma membrane
plasma membrane

cell wall
cell wall


Plasma membrane

A student claims that viruses are alive because they have genetic material and can reproduce. Is this student’s claim correct?


Yes, viruses are alive because they have genetic material.
Yes, viruses are alive because they have genetic material.

Yes, viruses are alive because they can reproduce.
Yes, viruses are alive because they can reproduce.

No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.
No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.

No, viruses are not alive because they do not have genetic material nor can they reproduce