Why would an army want control of a town like Savannah?

There are several reasons why an army would want control of a town like Savannah:

1. Strategic location: Savannah may have a strategic geographical location that offers advantages in terms of defense, transportation, and communication. It could be located near important waterways, such as rivers, ports, or coastlines, making it easier for the army to transport troops, supplies, and equipment.

2. Economic significance: Savannah might be a hub of economic activity, possessing valuable resources or industries that could benefit the army. Controlling the town would allow for control over these economic resources, ensuring a steady supply of food, water, or other essential goods for the army.

3. Symbolic importance: Savannah could hold symbolic or cultural significance, representing a symbol of power, prestige, or heritage. Capturing and controlling such a town would provide a psychological advantage, boosting the morale of the army and demoralizing the enemy.

4. Communication and logistic center: Savannah might serve as a crucial center for communication and logistics. It could have well-developed infrastructure, such as roads, railways, or telecommunication networks, which would facilitate the movement of troops and supplies. Additionally, possessing control over such a center would disrupt the enemy's communication and supply lines, hampering their operations.

5. Military facilities: Savannah could have military installations, such as airfields, naval bases, or weapon storage facilities. Taking control of the town would provide the army with access to these military resources, enabling them to launch offensive operations or defend these installations from potential threats.

6. Domination of the region: Control over Savannah might allow the army to dominate the surrounding region. The town could be a strategic stronghold to extend their influence, secure the territory, or expand their control over other neighboring towns or cities.

Overall, control over a town like Savannah can provide an army with numerous strategic, economic, psychological, and logistical advantages, contributing to their overall military objectives.