Images of communication in Indian culture

1. Indian women wearing traditional attire, sitting in a circle, and engaged in deep conversation.

2. A group of friends in a park, sitting on a bench and laughing while chatting.
3. A family gathered around a dining table, sharing a meal and discussing various topics.
4. A group of villagers sitting under a tree, having a community meeting and discussing important matters.
5. Students in a classroom, raising their hands and participating in a discussion with their teacher.
6. People sitting in a temple, praying and chanting together.
7. Two individuals sitting on a bench at a train station, engaged in a friendly conversation.
8. Friends sitting in a café, sipping tea and discussing current events or personal matters.
9. Relatives sitting together during a festival, catching up on each other's lives and sharing family stories.
10. Two people engaged in a phone conversation, showing the modern way of communication in Indian culture.