Listening and speaking must integrate with other skills

Yes, listening and speaking skills should integrate with other skills such as reading and writing. This integration allows for a more comprehensive development of language proficiency.

For example, when listening to spoken language, one can improve reading skills by following along with the written text. This helps in building vocabulary, understanding sentence structure and grammar, and improving overall comprehension. Similarly, listening can also enhance writing skills by exposing learners to different writing styles, sentence patterns, and punctuation uses.

Likewise, speaking skills can be improved through reading and writing activities. Reading exposes learners to a variety of vocabulary, sentence structures, and ideas, which they can then incorporate into their own speech. Writing, on the other hand, helps learners practice organizing their thoughts, expressing ideas clearly, and using appropriate grammar and vocabulary.

When these skills are integrated, learners are able to develop a more holistic understanding and application of the language. They can transfer their knowledge and proficiency across different language components, improving their overall communication abilities. Integration also allows for a more interactive and engaging language learning experience, as learners can practice using the language in meaningful contexts and real-life situations.