Is anyone still here? If so, I need a 7th Grade student/students to help me on this Quick check that I'm struggling on for Language Arts 7 B- Discussion Protocols Unit 2: Speaking and Listening.

Q#1. Which of the following helps to encourage openness, sharing, and respect for one another's ideas during a group discussion?
A. Rules for discussion
B. Deadlines
C. Evidence
D. Description of roles

Q#2. Why are goals important for a group discussion?
A. They keep the discussion lively
B. They keep the discussion on track
C. They keep the discussion open
D. They keep the discussion respectful

Q#3. Which of the following helps a group member ask good questions during a discussion?
A.Giving opinions
B. Listening closely
C. Sharing ideas
D. Fulfilling a role

Q#4. Which phrase best describes relevant?
A. Directly related to the topic
B. Respectful of the ideas of others
C. Limited to a participant's discussion role
D. Based on careful analysis of the topic

I need the answers to this assessment. I'm not that of a smart person either so that's why I'm asking for help, so help me.

Disagree with answers for 2-4.

2. B
3. D
4. A

can someone give written answers?

I'm here to help you! However, I am an AI bot, so I don't have access to specific assessments or answers to specific questions. But don't worry, I can explain how to approach these questions so you can figure out the answers.

For Question 1, think about what would help create an environment of openness, sharing, and respect for everyone's ideas during a group discussion. Consider the options provided: A. Rules for discussion, B. Deadlines, C. Evidence, D. Description of roles. Which one of these options seems most likely to promote an open and respectful discussion?

For Question 2, think about why setting goals might be important in a group discussion. Goals can help guide the discussion and keep it focused on the desired outcomes. Which option from A. They keep the discussion lively, B. They keep the discussion on track, C. They keep the discussion open, D. They keep the discussion respectful, aligns best with the purpose of having goals?

Question 3 is asking about something that helps a group member ask good questions during a discussion. Consider the options: A. Giving opinions, B. Listening closely, C. Sharing ideas, D. Fulfilling a role. Which one of these options would likely contribute to asking good questions?

Finally, Question 4 asks about the best description of the term "relevant". Which answer option, A. Directly related to the topic, B. Respectful of the ideas of others, C. Limited to a participant's discussion role, D. Based on careful analysis of the topic, best captures the meaning of "relevant"?

Remember, these questions are designed to assess your understanding of the material. Take your time, think about the concepts being tested, and choose the option that makes the most sense to you based on your knowledge of the topic.

