Members of a soccer team raised $2143.50 to go to a tournament. They rented a bus for $888.50 and budgeted $62.75 per player for meals. Write and solve an equation which can be used to determine xx, the number of players the team can bring to the tournament.

Let's assume the number of players the team can bring to the tournament is x.

The total cost of renting a bus is $888.50.

The budget for meals per player is $62.75.

So, the total cost for meals for x players would be 62.75x.

The total amount raised is $2143.50.

The equation to represent the situation would be:

888.50 + 62.75x = 2143.50

To solve this equation, we need to isolate x:

62.75x = 2143.50 - 888.50

62.75x = 1255

x = 1255 / 62.75

x ≈ 20

Therefore, the team can bring approximately 20 players to the tournament.