For a large group of students, the Boston Ballet charges a flat rate of $50.00, plus $15.00 per ticket. How much would a school need to take a class of 25 students to see The Nutcracker? Use an equation with two variables to solve this problem.

$425.00 $425.00 $1,265.00 $1,265.00 $50.00 $50.00 $375.00

Let x be the number of tickets needed for the class.

The cost of the tickets is 15x dollars.
The total cost for the class is 15x + 50 dollars.
We know that the class has 25 students, so x = 25.
Substituting this value into the equation gives a total cost of 15*25 + 50 = 375 + 50 = 425 dollars.
Therefore, a school would need 425 dollars to take a class of 25 students to see The Nutcracker. Answer: \boxed{425}.

The school soccer team is selling chips to fundraise for new jerseys. If they charge $2.50 per bag of chips, how many bags would they need to sell in order to raise $1,000.00?

Let x be the number of bags of chips that need to be sold.

The total amount raised is 2.5x dollars.
We know that the total amount raised is $1000.00, so 2.5x = 1000.
Solving this equation gives x = 1000/2.5 = 400.
Therefore, the school soccer team would need to sell 400 bags of chips in order to raise $1000.00. Answer: \boxed{400}.

Which of the following examples represents a discrete data constraint with viable solutions?

number of tests passed number of tests passed average score on a test average score on a test average weight of all the newborns in a hospital ward average weight of all the newborns in a hospital ward distance between points

The number of tests passed is an example of discrete data because it can only take on specific, separate values (such as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.). The other examples (average score on a test, average weight of all the newborns in a hospital ward, and distance between points) represent continuous data because they can take on any value within a range. Therefore, the answer is: number of tests passed.

Which of the following options could use both intercepts to produce viable solutions?

(temperature, number of car rentals) (temperature, number of car rentals) (years of experience, starting salary) (years of experience, starting salary) (age, weight)  (age, weight)  (number of nominations, number of awards) (number of nominations, number of awards)

The option that could use both intercepts to produce viable solutions is (years of experience, starting salary).

In this case, the intercepts represent the starting salary when years of experience is zero and the years of experience when the starting salary is zero. For example, if a starting salary of $40,000 is considered as the intercept when years of experience is zero, and a starting salary of zero is considered as the intercept when years of experience reaches a certain value, it could produce viable solutions. Similarly, if a zero years of experience is considered as the intercept when the starting salary is zero, and a certain level of starting salary is considered as the intercept when years of experience is zero, it could also produce viable solutions.

Cindy won $50.00 for getting first place in the Science Fair. She spent her winnings on robotics kits and chemistry sets. Each robotics kit (y) costs $10.00, while each chemistry set costs $8.00 (x). Which of the following is a viable solution to the number of robotics kits and chemistry sets Cindy can purchase, assuming she spends her entire winnings?

We need to find a solution (x, y) that satisfies the equation $8.00x + $10.00y = $50.00 and where both x and y are non-negative whole numbers since Cindy cannot purchase a fraction of a chemistry set or robotics kit.

Assuming Cindy spends her entire winnings, this means the equation must hold true. Let's solve it to find the viable solution:

$8.00x + $10.00y = $50.00

To solve this equation, it can be simplified by dividing through by $2.00:

4x + 5y = 25

Now we can check for whole number solutions that satisfy this equation. Some of the possible viable solutions are:

(x, y) = (5, 0)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 5 chemistry sets and 0 robotics kits.

(x, y) = (0, 5)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 0 chemistry sets and 5 robotics kits.

(x, y) = (1, 4)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 1 chemistry set and 4 robotics kits.

(x, y) = (2, 3)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 2 chemistry sets and 3 robotics kits.

(x, y) = (3, 2)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 3 chemistry sets and 2 robotics kits.

(x, y) = (4, 1)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 4 chemistry sets and 1 robotics kit.

(x, y) = (5, 0)
In this case, Cindy can purchase 5 chemistry sets and 0 robotics kits.

Therefore, there are multiple viable solutions depending on the number of chemistry sets and robotics kits Cindy wants to purchase.

To calculate the total cost for taking a class of 25 students to see The Nutcracker, we need to consider the flat rate of $50.00 and an additional $15.00 per ticket. Since there are 25 students, we can represent the number of tickets needed as "x".

The equation representing the total cost is:
Total Cost = Flat Rate + (Number of Tickets * Cost per Ticket)

Translating this into an equation with two variables, we have:
Total Cost = $50.00 + ($15.00 * x)

Now, we can substitute the given value of 25 for "x" in the equation:
Total Cost = $50.00 + ($15.00 * 25)

Calculating this expression:
Total Cost = $50.00 + $375.00

Hence, the total cost for the school to take a class of 25 students to see The Nutcracker is $425.00.