Discuss mamokgethi phakeng's crisis communication skills

Mamokgethi Phakeng is widely regarded as an effective crisis communicator. As the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town (UCT) during several challenging situations, she has demonstrated strong leadership and communication skills. Here are some aspects of her crisis communication approach:

1. Transparency and openness: Phakeng understands the importance of being transparent during a crisis. She has consistently provided timely and accurate information to the UCT community and the public. By sharing details about the situation, she has been able to build trust and credibility.

2. Empathy and compassion: Phakeng has shown empathy and compassion toward affected students and staff members. She has taken the time to listen to their concerns and address them with sensitivity. This approach has helped in calming tensions and reassuring the UCT community during challenging times.

3. Strategic messaging: Phakeng has a strategic approach to crisis messaging. She carefully crafts her communications to cater to different stakeholders and audiences. Her messages are clear, concise, and targeted, ensuring that everyone receives the necessary information without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

4. Engaging key stakeholders: Phakeng actively engages with key stakeholders during a crisis. By involving the UCT community in decision-making processes, she ensures that their voices are heard, and that their concerns are taken into account. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility during difficult times.

5. Accessibility and visibility: Phakeng has made herself accessible and visible during crises. She regularly communicates through various channels, including social media, official statements, and town hall meetings. This active presence helps in maintaining a sense of leadership and control, instilling confidence and calmness among the UCT community.

6. Collaboration and coordination: Phakeng recognizes the importance of collaboration and coordination during a crisis. She actively works with relevant stakeholders, both within and outside of UCT, to manage the situation effectively. This collaborative approach ensures that the crisis response is well-coordinated, maximizing resources and expertise.

7. Learning and adaptation: Phakeng emphasizes the importance of learning from crises and adapting strategies accordingly. After each crisis, she conducts a thorough evaluation to identify areas of improvement and implements changes to enhance crisis communication in the future. This continuous learning approach allows for growth and increased preparedness.

Overall, Mamokgethi Phakeng's crisis communication skills are commendable. Her transparency, empathy, strategic messaging, engagement, accessibility, collaboration, and learning-oriented approach have contributed to effective crisis management and community support at the University of Cape Town.