why would it have been good that genghis khan took over the silk road

There are several reasons why it may have been beneficial for Genghis Khan to take over the Silk Road:

1. Economic Prosperity: Genghis Khan's control of the Silk Road would have provided immense economic benefits. The Silk Road was a major trade route connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa, and it facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies. Khan's empire would have gained significant wealth through increased trade and taxation along the Silk Road.

2. Cultural Exchange: The Silk Road was not just a trade route; it also played a significant role in promoting cultural exchange and interaction between different civilizations. Khan's control over the Silk Road would have allowed for the exchange of ideas, religions, art, and knowledge between the East and West, fostering cultural diversity and understanding.

3. Unification of Territories: Genghis Khan's empire was fragmented across vast territories, and taking over the Silk Road would have facilitated better communication and coordination among his dominions. The efficient movement of goods and people along the Silk Road would have helped the administration of Khan's empire and allowed for the rapid deployment of resources and troops when needed.

4. Technology Transfer: The Silk Road acted as a conduit for the transmission of scientific and technological advancements. By controlling the Silk Road, Khan's empire would have gained exposure to innovations in agriculture, medicine, engineering, and warfare from the different civilizations along the route. This could have contributed to the growth and development of Khan's empire.

5. Military Dominance: Taking over the Silk Road would have provided strategic advantages to Genghis Khan. It would have allowed him to control major trade routes, limit the economic power of potential adversaries, and gain access to valuable resources and intelligence from the regions connected by the Silk Road. Such dominance could have enhanced the military strength and security of Khan's empire.

It is important to note that while there may have been potential benefits, it is also essential to consider the negative consequences of Genghis Khan's conquests, such as the loss of lives, destruction, and displacement caused by warfare.