Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.

Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.
Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina

By successfully unifying rebels against Spain and helping win the Battle of Medina, he showed his heroism and leadership, which were a turning point for Mexican independence.

What is one reason Gutiérrez de Lara’s Republican Army of the North was successful while attacking San Antonio de Bexar?(1 point)


The U.S. agreed to be their ally and provided money and supplies as support.
The U.S. agreed to be their ally and provided money and supplies as support.

The Republican Army of the North paid the Spanish governor to leave without a fight.
The Republican Army of the North paid the Spanish governor to leave without a fight.

They ambushed the Spanish governor and his army by attacking during the night.
They ambushed the Spanish governor and his army by attacking during the night.

They had more military training because they recruited soldiers from the U.S. Army.
They had more military training because they recruited soldiers from the U.S. Army.

They had more military training because they recruited soldiers from the U.S. Army.

During the Mexican War for Independence, the Battle of Medina was a hard-fought(1 point)


battle with no winner.
battle with no winner.

Spanish victory.
Spanish victory.

Mexican victory.
Mexican victory.

Texan victory.

Spanish victory.

Which statement best explains the relationship between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers in Texas from 1821 to 1825?(1 point)


Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.
Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.

Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.
Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.

The Mexican government was still fighting for independence and let Anglo-American settlers govern themselves.
The Mexican government was still fighting for independence and let Anglo-American settlers govern themselves.

Decisions by the Mexican government caused Anglo-American settlers to declare independence, causing another revolution.

Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.

What type of government was created by the Mexican Constitution of 1824?(1 point)


a centralist government with power shared at different levels
a centralist government with power shared at different levels

a centralist government with an emperor in full control
a centralist government with an emperor in full control

a federalist government with three branches of government
a federalist government with three branches of government

a federalist government with only a national government

a federalist government with three branches of government

To assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence, historians would analyze historical records, primary sources, and scholarly research to gather evidence. They would then evaluate this evidence to determine the impact of de Lara's actions on the war. This could involve examining his role as a spy for Spain, his influence on the outcomes of battles, his leadership abilities, and his contributions to the unification of rebels against Spain.

Based on this assessment process, historians might arrive at different conclusions. However, based on the given statements, here is how historians would assess each option:

1. By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.
This statement suggests that de Lara's actions as a spy hindered the progress of Mexican independence. To assess this, historians would likely examine historical records and primary sources that provide evidence of de Lara's espionage activities and their impact on the larger independence movement.

2. Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.
This statement indicates that de Lara's disagreements and conflicts with other leaders in Texas resulted in the rebels' defeat in the Battle of Medina. Historians would assess this by examining historical records and primary sources that detail the events surrounding the battle and the role de Lara played in it.

3. His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
This statement suggests that de Lara's actions as a hero and leader had a significant impact on the course of Mexican independence. Historians would evaluate this claim by examining historical accounts and primary sources that explore de Lara's role in key moments of the war and his leadership abilities.

4. He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.
This statement asserts that de Lara played a crucial role in unifying rebel forces and achieving victory in the Battle of Medina. Historians would assess this claim by examining historical records, primary sources, and scholarly research to determine the extent of de Lara's involvement in rebel unification efforts and his contributions to the battle's outcome.

Ultimately, historians would weigh the available evidence and arguments to form an assessment of the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence.