Which of the following statements shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence?(1 point)


Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.
Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina.

He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.
He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina.

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.
His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence.

The correct statement that shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara’s actions on the Mexican War for Independence is:

His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence.

The statement that shows one way historians would assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence is: "He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina."

To assess the effect of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence, historians would typically look at primary and secondary sources related to the historical event. They would analyze documents, eyewitness accounts, and scholarly articles to understand different viewpoints and gather evidence.

In this case, we can evaluate the given statements to determine which one aligns with historical analysis. Let's examine each statement:

1. "Divisions between him and other Texas leaders caused rebels to lose the Battle of Medina."
2. "He successfully unified rebels against Spain and helped win the Battle of Medina."
3. "His heroism and leadership were a turning point for Mexican independence."
4. "By acting as a spy for Spain, he destroyed attempts for Mexican independence."

To evaluate these statements, historians would consider various factors such as historical context, the actions and role of José Gutiérrez de Lara, and the consequences of those actions. They would also compare different sources and corroborate information.

Based on the given statements, statement 1 suggests that divisions between José Gutiérrez de Lara and other Texas leaders caused the rebels to lose the Battle of Medina. This implies that his actions had a negative impact on the Mexican War for Independence.

However, without further historical evidence to reference, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. Historians would typically rely on a wide range of sources and conduct further research to thoroughly analyze the impact of José Gutiérrez de Lara's actions on the Mexican War for Independence.