Two students are discussing whether running or walking is better for a persons health, which piece of evidence will best strengthen. The argument that running is better for a persons health.

A sprinting for a short period of time while running can increase students health benefits BB running is most more likely to cause injury than walking. See a person must spend more time walking than running to get the same benefits has the same affect on the blood pressure as.

A scientific study comparing the health benefits of running and walking in a large sample of individuals over a significant period of time.


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To strengthen the argument that running is better for a person's health, you would need to provide evidence that specifically highlights the health benefits of running compared to walking. Here are two possible options:

1. Long-term Health Benefits: Look for evidence that supports the claim that running provides greater long-term health benefits compared to walking. For example, you could cite a scientific study that demonstrates how regular running improves cardiovascular health, increases endurance, and helps maintain a healthy body weight more effectively than walking.

To find this evidence, you can search for reputable scientific studies on the topic. Websites like PubMed, Google Scholar, or academic journals are good starting points. Key terms to use in your search could include "running vs. walking health benefits," "long-term effects of running on health," or "running and cardiovascular health."

2. Calorie Burn: Consider evidence that shows running burns more calories than walking, making it a more effective choice for weight management. For instance, find data or research that demonstrates the difference in calorie expenditure between running and walking, emphasizing that running burns more calories per unit of time.

To find this evidence, you can search for studies comparing the calorie burn of running and walking, or look for reputable sources such as scientific articles, fitness experts, or government health agencies. Using search terms like "calorie burn comparison running walking," "running for weight loss," or "running vs. walking calorie expenditure" can help you find relevant information.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their credibility and reliability.