Which sentence has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement?(1 point)

Fatima wanted to play with her friends, but it was snowing and she didn't know where she put her gloves.
While the students were getting candy from house to house, they argued about who had the best costume.
Once the movies at the theater started, it brought smiles to many faces!
When David and Eduardo came over, he wanted to know if we could go swimming.

While the students were getting candy from house to house, they argued about who had the best costume.

Which sentence has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement?(1 point)

Fatima wanted to play with her friends, but it was snowing and she didn't know where she put her gloves.
While the students were getting candy from house to house, they argued about who had the best costume.
Once the movies at the theater started, it brought smiles to many faces!
When David and Eduardo came over, he wanted to know if we could go swimming.

Fatima wanted to play with her friends, but it was snowing and she didn't know where she put her gloves.


I apologize for any confusion. The correct sentence with pronoun and antecedent agreement is "Fatima wanted to play with her friends, but it was snowing and she didn't know where she put her gloves."

The sentence that has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement is:

"While the students were getting candy from house to house, they argued about who had the best costume."

Explanation: In this sentence, the pronoun "they" correctly agrees with the antecedent "students". Both the pronoun and the antecedent are in the plural form, maintaining agreement.