Which sentence has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement?

1 point
While my friends were running home in the rain, they dropped their backpacks and the rain soaked them.
Jim wanted to go to the park, but it was too dark and she could not find our flashlight.
When the coaches arrived at the field, he saw the players goofing off.
Because my friends were exhausted, he forgot to shut the front door and the mosquitoes got in the house.

When the coaches arrived at the field, they saw the players goofing off.

The sentence that has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement is:

"When the coaches arrived at the field, he saw the players goofing off."

To determine which sentence has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement, we need to examine each sentence and identify the pronoun and its antecedent.

In Sentence 1: "While my friends were running home in the rain, they dropped their backpacks and the rain soaked them."
- The pronoun "they" is used to refer to the antecedent "friends".
- Both the pronoun and the antecedent are plural, so the pronoun and antecedent agree in number.

In Sentence 2: "Jim wanted to go to the park, but it was too dark and she could not find our flashlight."
- The pronoun "it" is used to refer to the antecedent "park".
- The pronoun "she" is used to refer to an unclear antecedent since it does not have a noun or pronoun to refer back to.
- This sentence does not have the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement, as "she" does not match with any clear antecedent.

In Sentence 3: "When the coaches arrived at the field, he saw the players goofing off."
- The pronoun "he" is used to refer to the antecedent "coaches".
- Both the pronoun and the antecedent are singular, so the pronoun and antecedent agree in number.

In Sentence 4: "Because my friends were exhausted, he forgot to shut the front door and the mosquitoes got in the house."
- The pronoun "he" is used to refer to the antecedent "friends".
- The pronoun "he" does not match the plural antecedent "friends", so this sentence does not have the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement.

Based on the analysis above, the sentence that has the correct pronoun and antecedent agreement is Sentence 1: "While my friends were running home in the rain, they dropped their backpacks and the rain soaked them."