Solve the system of two equations using elimination with multiplication


To solve the system of equations using elimination with multiplication, we need to eliminate one of the variables by multiplying one or both of the equations.

First, let's eliminate the x variable. To do this, we need to multiply the second equation by 2 to make the x term in both equations cancel each other out:

2(-2x+4y) = 2(30)
-4x + 8y = 60

Now we have the system of equations:
4x - 6y = -48
-4x + 8y = 60

Adding the two equations together:

(4x - 6y) + (-4x + 8y) = (-48) + 60
-6y + 8y = 12

2y = 12
y = 12/2
y = 6

Substituting this value of y back into one of the original equations, we can solve for x:

4x - 6(6) = -48
4x - 36 = -48
4x = -48 + 36
4x = -12
x = -12/4
x = -3

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -3 and y = 6.