John buys eight packs of cookies at the grocery store. The cookies are for sale for 50 Cent off per pack. He spends $20 which equation can be used to find the original cost of a box of cookies c

Let's assume the original cost of a pack of cookies is "x" dollars.

John buys 8 packs of cookies, so he spends 8 * x dollars.

The cookies are for sale for 50 cent off per pack, which means each pack costs (x - 0.50) dollars.

Therefore, the total amount spent by John can be expressed as 8 * (x - 0.50) dollars.

According to the given information, John spends $20.

Equating this amount with the expression for the total amount spent by John, we can write:

8 * (x - 0.50) = 20

This is the equation that can be used to find the original cost of a pack of cookies "x".