Name the herbivores

Some herbivores include:

1) Elephants
2) Cows
3) Rabbits
4) Deer
5) Giraffes
6) Horses
7) Goats
8) Sheep
9) Gorillas
10) Koalas
11) Hippos
12) Pandas
13) Zebras
14) Moose
15) Tortoises
16) Squirrels
17) Camels
18) Kangaroos
19) Beavers
20) Guanacos

Sure! Herbivores are animals that primarily feed on plants, leaves, fruits, and other vegetation. They obtain their nutrition from the energy-rich carbohydrates present in plants. Here are some examples of herbivores:

1. Elephants: These gentle giants have a diverse diet and consume grass, leaves, bark, and even fruits.

2. Deer: Species like white-tailed deer and moose feed on leaves, twigs, and grass.

3. Rabbits: They eat a variety of vegetation such as grass, leaves, and vegetables.

4. Cows: Cattle mainly graze on grass and other plant materials.

5. Giraffes: These long-necked creatures feed on leaves and twigs found on treetops.

6. Pandas: They consume mostly bamboo, but they also eat certain fruits and sometimes even insects.

7. Koalas: These iconic Australian animals feed almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves.

8. Gorillas: These large primates are herbivores and consume a diet primarily consisting of leaves, fruits, and shoots.

It's important to note that while these animals are considered herbivores, their diets might include small amounts of insects or other non-plant materials for additional nutrients.